Auf der Glasrohr - Homepage finden Sie alle notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Glasrohr in den Verschiedenen Glasarten, wie Quarzglasrohr, Borosilikatglasrohr und Natronkalglasrohr. Gern fertigen wir auf Anfrage ihre Wunschdimensionen, eine Übersicht der gängigen Glasrohrdurchmesser finden Sie in der Lieferübersicht. Neben technischen Lösungen aus Glasröhren fertigen wir auch Glasröhren für Leuchten, auch dekorative Glasrohre bis hin zu Ersatzgläsern für Heizpilze, Gasheizer und Pelett-Fackeln. Aber auch nachhaltig hergestellte Glasstrohalme runden unser Portfolio ab. In erster Linie wird klares und transparentes Glasrohr verarbeitet, allerdings verfügen wir auch über unzählige Dimensionen an Braunglas, sollte eine andere Farbe gewünscht sein, so sind auch Beschichtungen möglich.
In erster Linie verarbeiten wir Glas aus europäischer Herstellung
· Schott Duran
· Schott AR Glas
· Schott Durobax
· Nipro G38
· Nipro NSV 51
· TGI I880
· Simax
· Corning 51
When you think of bird feeders, the image that immediately comes to mind is that of a classic tube bird feeder. These long cylindrical feeders are generally used Glasrohr kaufen to attract small woodland birds such as woodpeckers, titmice, finches, and chickadees. A quality tube bird feeder will have a few small perches on it, small enough to attract the aforementioned birds, and keep larger birds such as cardinals and blue jays at bay. The holes in a tube feeder are big enough for a sunflower seed to fit through, and it's these larger openings that distinguish the standard tube feeder from thistle tube feeders.
Tube bird feeders are a great way to offer a variety of birds a tasty birdseed treat year-round. The tube itself is designed to let birds eat from openings in the bottom of the tube, thus ensuring that seed towards the top will stay dry and fresh. What kind of seed you put in the tube feeder will determine what kinds of birds you attract. Some of our favorite tube feeders have multiple, distinct tubes that can each be filled with a different seed, ensuring that a variety of birds will be attracted to your backyard. These are also great because they can hold an enormous amount of seed, which means fewer trips out to clean and refill it. Generally speaking, the bigger the tube feeder, the better!
Tube bird feeders are generally made of clear, uv-resistant plastics, but more and more manufacturers are providing a 'green' alternative. Environmentally Glasrohr kaufen friendly feeders made of recycled plastic or glass are safer for the birds, and provide you with a little more peace of mind. Standard plastic feeders are cheaper, but not as durable as the more expensive glass and metal feeders.
Tips on Maintaining and Buying a Tube Bird Feeder
Clean your feeder regularly in the spring and summer, particularly after a rainstorm. Mold can develop quickly on wet seeds
Try purchasing a squirrel baffle if you plan on hanging your tube feeder from a shepherd's hook